Rantgrumps. They only do the gaming videos on Game Grumps (not 10MPH). Rantgrumps

 They only do the gaming videos on Game Grumps (not 10MPH)Rantgrumps  Added altogether this equals a little bit over $190,000, which is $10,00 shy from $200,000, as $200,000 divided by 4 would get an average of $50,000

I mean I know they were planning on getting their own space, but I didn't expect them to leave already. Now I believe this is because of multiple reasons and feel free to add to this list in the comments. I don’t think they put a whole lot of goofy extra edits into KKG videos so most. His name is Yi Lu! I wasn't just being racist!" In the vein of Puppy Island I would also suggest Endless Ocean 2. Then unexpectedly, the tumor moved to her brain, and she slowly experienced dementia. Arin does read alot of emails and twitter comments and he is aware of this sub reddit and most likely looks in every so often, so i do feel bad but at the same time i do want him to improve because while there is alot of "small problems" rants on this. He doesn't have a schedule, he doesn't have deadlines, he doesn't have to break a 3 or 4 hour session into 20 minute episodes, and now that his animation work is at home with him, he. IMO most of them don’t know, and the ones that do, to clarify the ones that don’t call them out on their bullshit, are just as toxic. Looks like it's survival horror/puzzle game. This is absolutely true. That's the character, as written. Which a lot of people have been waiting for since the hellbenders cartoon was passed over for Mr. Game Grumps used to be the center of my life, the one thing I watched on Youtube. Continue browsing in r/rantgrumps. I really hate that Game grumps sucks now, knowing what it used to be. DingDong comes forward about the grumps stream. 4 million subs in a good few years. Someone at one of the live shows I was at asked about Ross, and Arin answered he doesn’t work for the Grumps anymore. Fae_for_a_Day • 1 mo. A (Half-Assed) Game Grumps 2021 Summary. People make an obscene amount of money by doing nothing while streaming, because other people want their attention and are ready to spend obscene amounts of money in order to get said attention. Not to mention the editing is amazing and spot on no matter who is doing it. they think the grumps are their real life friends and if they keep defending their limp attempts at being. She's such a "pick me. Just for clarity, Julian and DingDong expressed multiple times that the Game Grumps themselves were not involved with the making of Dream Daddy aside from helping them market and release it. This hasn't been the first time they've said something like. I'm a little confused on the popular perception of this little scuffle between the Oney guys and the Grumps. At this point having Dan as a co-host is like being partnered with the worst kid in class. ago. Members. It also means that when the Grumps hate a game. Top posts september 4th 2015 Top posts of september, 2015 Top posts 2015. Created Jun 6, 2015. More posts from the rantgrumps community. It’s been a long time since they played a Kirby game together. Arin flexing on twitter and Dan getting hundreds of downvotes was the straw that broke the camel’s back. · 5 mo. So Matt and Ryan left Game Grumps. While Arin seems to have surrounded himself with less than good people, DD actually defended arin. Edit: while I don't personally find the trailer particularly interesting (it's not terrible) it looks like they have learned from the SJG fiasco when it comes to marketing. Arin has a compilation on YouTube of using the n word. I am now officially embarrassed for GG. Oneyplays VS GameGrumps. Later, during the skyward sword livestream (at the 44:57 mark), that same twitter user left an apology in the chat, saying she was just trying to homage to the days of “Goddammit Ross. r/GameGrumps: "THIS PROVES r/RANTGRUMPS ARE EVIL!" Reply NLocke64 Dan Era, 2014 • Additional comment actions. Any prominent LA cosplayer will tell you that. Identify your target audience, and make sure the testers enjoy it in that regard. My rant about the Grumps Hello! I am legally obliged to apologize for my English in advance, as is internet law. Instead they decided to swing all the way around and intentionally irritate fans. " I think this is the best space for ranting about something I care about but that most people would find inconsequential. And I fucking hate every YouTuber within their social sphere that continues to circlejerk and support them despite the. They just got finished customizing this office last year (Grumps Office Tour video). Edit: Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'm going to get my wish of seeing this person breakdown part 1, where most of the the actual major controversies are, because I was. And the only reason why Game Grumps is still getting the views that they are, is because of the constant one offs. It might be difficult to take a step back from a business that's keeping your friends employed. the name EgoRaptor had nothing to do with him having a big ego. An anonymous woman posted a thread on Reddit on March 21. That is all. DD and Julian, as gay men, felt like the game was pandering but didn't say anything about it because they didn't see anything that was outright bad it was just their gut feeling, later the devs. Brian I believe was trying to put out. You're just a bit sad and the grumps made you feel better, call it by what it is. They seem to be pulling less views and they have recently had a large sub drop. ago. Rant and vent about Game Grumps! 27. I hear you. Imagine getting your mildly viral band catapulted into fame, managing to get into Billboard and play on Conan, all thanks to this job. The big problem is that he uses his platform to spread misinformation about games. Apologies if this is too long, but I've never posted in RantGrumps before and this has been building for at least a couple years now. I don’t think Danny would be good as a completely solo let’s player like jacksepticeye or markiplier, as I don’t think he’s quite as charismatic as them. More posts from the rantgrumps community. That's because their client roster's made out of either friends (TWRP, Planet Booty, NSP, Jack, SuperMega, Jesse Cox) or C-level youtubers I've never heard of. It's really irritating when the Grumps talk in that "I'm acting!"Just that. That's not true, or if it is, then he got the dates way wrong. Add a Comment. Created Jun 6, 2015. NFL. I know this is going to sound like another, "I liked the old. close to hitting on misophonia and how it's a real condition where the brain is wired to literally feel rage at those sounds. Op · 5 mo. Even though the text is clear, and readable, on-screen. The reason behind it? They don’t get the views. Also debatably relevant to Game Grumps as it predates the. Yeesh. longer than "recently. Blanket answer: they provide touring services for small internet-famous bands and youtubers. In a recent video He even joked with Dan with all the people that he could replace him with and with Dan's controversy going around, i wouldn't be surprised if he is at the end of his rope on Game Grumps so i can't really blame him for not being super. Posted by 2 days ago + Positive Rant + Put Ross and Danny's "Liesure Suit Larry" playthroughs, on your list of best of the old school videos. The Grumps are just average people. 90 votes, 69 comments. Deadass, i think its social media and to a degree this subreddit that is causing Arin to seem low energy in videos. Episode Five of Dark Souls between 4:40 and 5:00 minutes in Oney starts talking about not liking having to fight more then one boss at a time in any game, and then goes on to say this, "I know that limits a lot of the game I like and it sounds stupid but that's just the way I am. If they are no-shit still all working together in Brent’s house then either Brent’s house is stupid big or someone should call the fire marshall cause that has to be a serious safety violation. · 4 mo. The stream happened in November, and he was saying they were going to leave a month before the Dream Daddy stuff happened, as he corrected. Playthroughs like DDLC, Link to the Past, and A Way Out hold a special place in my heart. Given its all been deleted and this seems like some kind of nervous event im just going to lock this for archiving that it happened. It’s not that Arin is bad, it’s that he intentionally ignores playing the game the intended way, then acts incredulous when he struggles. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. 7. I hope Danganronpa is going much better and they've improved voice wise. So Arin doesn't want to do popular current games like the fans are asking for, doesn't want to do long series like the fans are asking for, and doesn't want to bring back an old series that offered something different from the current formula and would add variety to the channel's content. It doesn’t seem very disingenuous to me. A few days ago, another girl, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. When dd and Julian were part of oneyplays they temporarily were recording in the grumps office durring the making of Dream Daddy. 29K subscribers in the rantgrumps community. Game Grumps and Danganronpa. They seem so obnoxious, acting more like "influencers" than just funny guys making videos. It’s. I guess a channel I would rant about would be the Game Theory channel. cool__skeleton__95. ago. Yes and no, it's not warranted because he's just a dude trying to make a living in a relatively new career choice that isn't completely established yet. The “all fast food is trash” high horse they’re constantly on in these new tier list videos is supremely obnoxious. 26 comments. So if none of you know today OneyPlays released a video of them playing alttp, in which Chris “Oney” O’Neil complains about the fan rom hack they played before, Lyle Rath, sometimes editor and sometimes co-host commented about how when he was editing those videos he thought it was. DDLC. Bingo. Didn't trash popular games based on their own bias and claim it's objective; which is all Arin does. Short Answer: No. There is absolutely no discussion of transgenders or transgenderism here at all. DingDong commented on matterboar’s post about the stream stating he didn’t want this to become a huge thing or an attack on others. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (on hiatus due to Danny borrowing the WiiU to practice Wii's Punch Out) Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Game Grumps Gachapon Boxes. Sonic Mania. I actually think Dan is a worse sport than Arin…. Problem with game grumps but also the internet in general, lots of not so subtle Asian racism, the reason people do it is because they won’t get in trouble. Cute designs, though. I'd have bailed a long time ago. Horrendous truly. Jon is a racist. Top posts june 2nd 2021 Top posts of june, 2021 Top posts 2021. They should play Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Compare this to a group like OneyPlays. Its not "hey im grump, im not so grump and im allie" 😤. Contents included Jingle and Ghoul Grumps shirts, Game Gyaru shirts, Easter pins, and the Golden Starbomb pin that you could only receive by buying $100+ of Starbomb merch. She's not a host, she doesn't join in the banter or play games, she's not there to be an entertainer. Super Mario sunshine, Wind Waker, Pokemon red and Kirby's dream course comes to mind. Allie hasnt done anything to deserve praise. All the clickbait, absurd amount of ads. 98. Added altogether this equals a little bit over $190,000, which is $10,00 shy from $200,000, as $200,000 divided by 4 would get an average of $50,000. For an hour-long video. And so when a girl wanted to come forward, not only with proof, but solid video proof, we took precautions to protect her identity. -4. She makes their already next-to-unwatchable content actually unwatchable. The exact criteria for how the results were determined are detailed here. That too. She sucks at her one and only job of social media communication, and inserts herself in videos with unwarranted self-importance. 5. I am sure whatever she does behind the scenes is great. First of all, if they had a new editor they would just use the name (s). To be fair, this is just a negative tourism style joke, like the "Cleveland, were not detroit" video from back in the day. 86. Background. If he's truly the former, than I don't think he'll ever really have that moment. The results of said polls can be found here for Jon Era series and here for Dan Era series. No news coverage. Barry left Game Grumps because of a falling out with Suzy. The Problem with Game Grumps is that they don't have fun anymore. So been a fan of Grumps since the beginning with the JonTron days and watched practically every upload, I think I'm finally done with the Game Grumps and their content. just miss the magic. Always been a fan of NSP which I found through GG but then you could go on a whole thing of “well TWRP don’t really have a music career coz without NSP having GG fans support it they’d still be releasing EPs on Bandcamp and busking”. In 2019 when Ross first told about this, it very much appeared to be as the latest tests came back negative. Arin gets the deed to the Deku flower with a day and a half of in-game time. spider-man was the first grumps series i watched in full after finding them. Trying to appear so PC to the masses and when an issue like this is brought up we get nothing when people other places have been fired for lessDan, who co-hosts the gaming Let’s Play channel Game Grumps alongside Arin Hanson, was the subject of a Reddit post from r/RantGrumps outlining messages he had reportedly sent to a female fan. Allie must be a really terrible person, doing large scale terrible things to something very sacred. Yeah, I keep trying to come back and watch their new stuff, but it's so bad that I can't even entertain it anymore. Title says it all. This is only barely grump related, as followup to the previous events. After they made their comments, though, was when Brian and Suzy denied that the game was a cash grab and Suzy in particular implied that Julian hadn't. zacharykeaton • 2 yr. r/rantgrumps. But also, I believe that Ben has the ability to bootlick Arin and appease his ego just enough that he would not fire him. I did not cheat on Ross” : r/rantgrumps. ago. ORIGINAL STORY: Popular YouTube channel Game Grumps‘ Dan Avidan has been accused of “grooming” a female fan, with text exchanges and a video being shared to the RantGrumps subreddit claiming. Literally 0% offense meant here, however, if you happen to be younger than Matt, perhaps you might eventually experience Matt's same "growing out of it" and find some of the funnies he said tasteless later on as you grow and develop as well, you never know! 22. Holly: “Ross knew. That said, both Ross and Barry have indirectly cited Arin's. Shit attracts shit. On March 21st, 2021, Redditor /u/NotBlarg posted a thread in /r/rantgrumps, a subreddit devoted to complaining about Game Grumps, alleging that they had received video and photographic evidence from an. It's so funny, because when I go down to the comment section of TBFP videos they get mad at them because they get stuck, or they say that "Pat sucks at the game and then blames it on the game" even though Pat pretty much says "OH I'm stupid" every time after he figures stuff out, and it's genuine, not Arin's "OH, IT'S MY FAULT" bullshit. tbh I doubt Dan would have stuck around this long if Arin was truly like that off cam. Video Evidence of the Dan Accusations. ago. Welcome to America, where the only races it's. I knw Julian has his reasons for not wanting to be on OneyPlays anymore and I am sympathetic to that, but DingDong saying that everyone just stopped seeing each other all together makes me think something weird did happen. It’s like every other chain they hit, they feel obligated to repeat the same “the food is garbage”/“treatment of animals isn’t cool”/“corporations are bad” disclaimer. SuperMega Leaving. Matt and Ryan are moving to a new office because they are no longer working for GG. For example, if the episodes were always 20 minutes and they had 30 minutes of the game left, they would need to either do a long finale or a short finale, but with 10 minute episodes it's easy to fit that amount of content. In 2019 we have seen content cut to 1 episode a day, no more long series, and clickbait titles. Suzy is about one of the biggest pieces of shit on the internet and I hate her with a passion. And many are trying to cancel him for it. Especially the with changes youtube throws at it. The smaller the episode size, the easier it is to make the pieces fit. Holly cheated on Ross, she lied to him about being asexual and then fucked one of his friends (ProJared) OneyPlays. Idiotheib • 1 mo. · 6 yr. Even tried to coerce Kati into one which lines up with the story from her play. I used to check it once a day for content, now it's down to once a week. Like the Ice Hockey episode is one of my favorites of the Dan Era just because they were. God damn, is it enjoyable and honestly there is a good respectable chemistry. blasterbrewmaster • 9 mo.